Hiring personal assistant can give you more of the most precious resource - TIME. Business executives, by nature, are busy people; company meetings, sales conferences, business reports, management duties, delegation, training, and other duties take most of their time. Even with the greatest time management skills, there is still not enough time in the day for them to do what needs to be done. Concierge services and personal assistants service are trained to do their menial, day-to-day, tasks with professionalism and competence.
Take the following sample list of chores that a personal assistant can perform and think how much time a busy executive can save by having a professional do them for him:
Making travel arrangements
Booking conference rooms for meetings
Household management
Event Planning
Buying gifts for birthdays
Car washes
Administrative office work
Pet care
Dry cleaning
Last minute courier deliveries
Grocery shopping
These are all tasks that a busy executive can outsource to a professional personal assistant. It should be time-management 101.
The average cost of hiring a personal assistant is less than of your total daily transaction. When considering if this is worth it you should consider the opportunity cost of a high-paid business executive doing these types of menial tasks. Let us say that a business executive earns $200/hour. That means that his time is worth $200/hour as well. It is the same as him paying himself $200 each hour that he does these duties. If, on the other hand, he can hire a concierge service to do the same work for $65/hour then it is worth it. The opportunity cost in this example is $135/hour (The difference between what his time is worth and what he can pay someone to do the work). Not only would this business executive create more time for important business tasks by hiring a personal assistant but he would also create more time for himself - time, a precious commodity that he can spend on the more important things in life like friends and family.
Hiring a concierge service or personal assistant can be well worth the investment. Even corporate concierge is available if you want to hire a service for your company.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tino_Toskala
Hiring personal assistant
can give you more of the most precious resource - TIME.
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